Commercial Cybersecurity Tips

Protecting Your Business in the Digital Age: Commercial Cybersecurity Tips
In today’s digital age, safeguarding your business against cyber threats is essential. We’re here to help you understand the critical steps your business should take to protect against cybersecurity risks. 

1. Invest in Cyber Insurance:

First and foremost, any business that stores or processes sensitive information should consider cyber insurance. This coverage can help protect you financially during a data breach or cyberattack. It can cover expenses like data recovery, legal fees, and notification costs, reducing the financial burden on your business.

2. Conduct a Risk Assessment:

Begin by identifying your business’s vulnerabilities. Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of your Commercial Cybersecurity to understand the potential threats you face. This assessment includes reviewing the types of data you handle, possible entry points for cybercriminals, and weak links in your security chain.

3. Implement Strong Access Controls:

Control who has access to sensitive data within your organization. Implement strict access controls, ensuring only authorized personnel can access and modify critical information. Regularly review and update access privileges to minimize potential risks.

4. Employee Training and Awareness:

Your employees are often the first line of defense against cyber threats. Invest in ongoing cybersecurity training and awareness programs. Teach your staff to recognize phishing emails, avoid suspicious links, and maintain strong password practices.

5. Secure Your Network:

Ensure your network is well-protected with firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols. Regularly update and patch your software and systems to address known vulnerabilities.

6. Data Encryption:

Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit. Encryption adds an extra layer of security, making it difficult for cybercriminals to access or interpret your data even if they gain access.

7. Regularly Back Up Data:

Implement a robust backup strategy for your critical data. Regular backups ensure you can quickly recover from data loss caused by cyber incidents. Store backups offline to prevent them from being compromised during an attack.

8. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Enforce MFA for accessing sensitive systems and accounts. This additional layer of security requires users to provide multiple forms of identification, making it much harder for unauthorized individuals to gain access.

9. Incident Response Plan:

Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines the steps to take during a cyberattack. A well-defined plan using Commercial Cybersecurity Tips can help minimize damage and downtime and ensure a swift recovery.

10. Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management:

Assess the cybersecurity practices of vendors and third-party partners with access to your data. Ensure they have robust security measures to protect your information when it’s in their hands.

11. Regular Security Audits: 

Conduct regular security and vulnerability assessments. These assessments help identify and address potential weaknesses before cybercriminals can exploit them.

12. Stay Informed:

Keep up to date with the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. Cyber threats constantly evolve, so staying informed is crucial for adapting security measures.

13. Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures:

Develop and enforce cybersecurity policies and procedures within your organization. Ensure employees understand and adhere to these policies, promoting a security culture.

14. Secure Remote Work Environments:

With the rise of remote work, it’s essential to secure remote environments. Ensure that employees’ home networks are adequately protected and provide them with the necessary tools and training to maintain cybersecurity standards while working remotely.

15. Plan for Business Continuity:

In a cyber incident, having a business continuity plan is vital. This plan outlines how your business will continue to operate while addressing the aftermath of a cyberattack.

16. Regularly Test Your Defenses:

Conduct penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of your cybersecurity measures. This proactive approach can help you identify weaknesses before malicious actors do.

17. Compliance with Regulations:

Depending on your industry, you may be subject to specific cybersecurity regulations and compliance requirements. Ensure that your business complies with these regulations to avoid legal and financial repercussions.

18. Collaborate with Experts:

Don’t hesitate to seek help from cybersecurity experts and consultants. They can provide valuable insights, conduct security audits, and help you develop a robust cybersecurity strategy.

Remember, cybersecurity is an ongoing process, and threats are continually evolving. By implementing these measures and staying vigilant, you can significantly reduce the risk of a cyberattack and protect your business and sensitive data. Contact Clarke & Cohen if you have any questions or insurance issues following a cyberattack.



Winterizing Your Home

Winterizing Your Home: A Public Adjuster’s Guide to Preventing Frozen Pipes and Costly Damages

As the winter chill sets in, homeowners and business property owners must focus on safeguarding their properties against the potential havoc caused by frozen pipes. As experienced public adjusters, we have witnessed firsthand the aftermath of burst pipes during the winter months – a disaster that can lead to extensive property damage and insurance complications.

The Insurance Implications

Before delving into preventative measures, it’s crucial to address a critical point that often catches property owners off guard. If you decide to turn off the heat and leave your property unattended, the resulting damages from burst pipes may not be covered by your insurance policy. Many policies explicitly state that damages caused by negligence, such as failing to maintain a minimum thermostat temperature, may lead to claim denials.
This revelation underscores the importance of winterizing your home or property and being aware of the conditions under which your insurance policy remains valid. Let’s explore practical steps to protect your property from frozen pipes and the ensuing water damage.

Insulating pipes is one of the most effective ways to prevent freezing pipes. Utilize foam sleeves, pipe tape, batt insulation, or expanding foam to create a protective barrier around your pipes and meters. This added insulation helps maintain a stable temperature within the pipes, reducing the risk of freezing.

Address Leaks Promptly

Even minor leaks can escalate into major problems during the winter months. Inspect your property for any signs of leaks and address them promptly. This may involve installing new washers, changing piping, or applying caulking to seal gaps. Ensuring your plumbing is in good condition reduces the likelihood of cold air penetrating and causing pipes to freeze.


Stock Up on Drinking Water

In the event of frozen pipes, having a supply of drinking water is essential. Having a drinking water supply covers your basic needs during a potential water outage and minimizes the impact on your daily life while the issue is being resolved.

Allow Faucets to Drip

In unheated and uninsulated areas of your property, especially during extreme cold weather, allow a faucet to drip slowly. This constant flow of water, even at a minimal rate, can prevent pipes from freezing. While it may lead to a slightly higher water bill, the cost is negligible compared to the potential damage caused by burst pipes.

Maintain Adequate Room Temperature

Keep the interior of your property warm during the winter months. Set the thermostat to at least 69 degrees, or no lower than 55 degrees in all areas of the property. Extreme caution should be exercised when using space heaters, kerosene heaters, or other alternative heating sources to avoid the risk of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Prepare Outdoor Faucets

Outdoor faucets are particularly susceptible to freezing temperatures. Remove garden hoses from outdoor water faucets and cover them securely. Inquire at your local hardware store about insulation options for exterior faucets to provide extra protection against the cold.

Utilize Shut-off Valves

Turning off the water supply to exterior faucets can be an added precaution to prevent freezing.

Thawing Frozen Pipes Safely

In the unfortunate event that your pipes do freeze, take immediate action. Open the cold-water faucet closest to the freezing pipe to relieve pressure. Never try to thaw a frozen pipe with a blow torch or direct fire, as this can cause more harm than good. Instead, use a hair dryer on a low setting to gradually thaw the pipe and restore water flow.

Securing Vacant or Unoccupied Properties

For properties that are vacant or unoccupied during the winter, extra precautions are necessary when winterizing your home. Shut off the water supply and drain the system and appliances to avoid freezing pipes. You can also utilize a plumbing professional to winterize your home.  Have a trusted neighbor or property manager check the property periodically to ensure everything is in order.

Winterizing your home or business is not only a matter of comfort but also a crucial step in safeguarding against the costly repercussions of frozen pipes. Clarke & Cohen, Property Loss Consultants strongly encourage you to take the proactive measures outlined in this guide to prevent water damage and mitigate potential insurance complications. By taking these steps, you protect your property and ensure that your insurance coverage remains intact, providing peace of mind throughout the winter months.

A Public Adjuster’s Guide to Holiday Light Safety

Shining Bright and Safe: A Public Adjuster’s Guide to Holiday Light Safety

As the festive season approaches, our homes and businesses come alive with the warm glow of holiday lights. While these twinkling decorations bring joy and merriment, they also bring about potential risks, particularly regarding fire hazards. Our property loss consulting firm, Clarke & Cohen, has seen the aftermath of holiday-related incidents that could have been prevented with extra caution and awareness.

Understanding the Risks

The allure of beautifully adorned homes and businesses is undeniable, but it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential risks associated with holiday lights. If proper precautions aren’t taken, the festive glow can quickly turn into a dangerous blaze from faulty wiring to overloaded circuits. As a public adjuster committed to ensuring our client’s well-being, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Let’s delve into critical measures with A Public Adjuster’s Guide to Holiday Light Safety to keep your holiday season merry and bright while minimizing the risk of fire-related incidents.

Invest in Quality Lights

Regarding holiday lights, quality matters; opt for lights from reputable manufacturers that adhere to safety standards. Look for labels indicating that recognized organizations have tested and certified the lights. Quality lights are less likely to pose fire hazards, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable holiday season.

Inspect Lights Before Decorating

Before you embark on the joyous task of decorating your home or business:

  1. Take the time to inspect your holiday lights.
  2. Check for any frayed wires, exposed conductors, or damaged sockets.
  3. If you come across any issues, replace the lights immediately.

It’s a small investment that can prevent a potentially disastrous situation.

Mindful Outdoor Lighting

For outdoor decorations, choose lights specifically designed for exterior use. These lights are built to withstand the elements, reducing the risk of water damage and electrical malfunctions. Additionally, ensure that outdoor extension cords and outlets are weather-resistant to maintain a safe and secure outdoor lighting display.

Avoid Overloading Circuits

One of the most common causes of holiday-related fires is the overload of electrical circuits. Before plugging in your holiday lights:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the electrical capacity of your home or business.
  2. Avoid connecting too many strings of lights to a single outlet, as this can lead to overheating and potential fire hazards.
  3. Consider using a power strip with a built-in circuit breaker for an added layer of protection.

Turn Lights Off When Unattended

While the allure of a beautifully lit home is tempting, it’s essential to turn off your holiday lights when you’re not around to enjoy them. This conserves energy and reduces the risk of fire when no one is present to monitor the decorations. Consider using timers to automate the on/off schedule, providing convenience and safety.

Properly Secure Lights and Decorations

Take the time to secure your lights and decorations properly. Avoid using nails or staples, which can damage the wiring and create potential fire hazards. Instead, use insulated hooks or clips designed for holiday decorations. This not only preserves the integrity of your lights but also minimizes the risk of accidental damage.

Be Mindful of Flammable Materials

When decorating your home or business, be mindful of the materials surrounding your holiday lights. Keep decorations, such as curtains, drapes, and other combustible items, away from heat sources. This simple precaution can significantly reduce fire risk, ensuring a safe and joyous holiday celebration.

Educate Your Family or Staff

Education is critical to preventing holiday-related incidents at home or in the workplace. Take the time to educate your family members, employees, or colleagues about the importance of holiday light safety. Encourage responsible decorating practices and emphasize the need to report any issues promptly. A well-informed community is better equipped to prevent accidents and enjoy a worry-free holiday season.

Emergency Preparedness

Despite all precautions, accidents can still happen. That’s why it’s essential to have an emergency plan in place. Ensure that your family or staff knows the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them. Have a designated meeting point in case of evacuation, and keep emergency contact information readily available. Being prepared can make all the difference in an unforeseen incident.

Consult with a Professional

If you need more clarification about the safety of your holiday lights or decorations, consider consulting with a professional electrician. An expert can assess your setup, identify potential risks, and provide recommendations to enhance safety. Investing in a professional opinion is a small price for the peace of mind of knowing your holiday decorations are secure.

As the holiday season approaches, let’s embark on a festive and safe celebration. At Clarke & Cohen, we understand the importance of mitigating risks and ensuring the well-being of our clients. By following these tips for holiday light safety and fire prevention, you can enjoy the season’s magic without compromising safety. From investing in quality lights to practicing mindful decorating, each step is crucial in creating a joyous and hazard-free holiday experience, and wishing you a happy, safe, and brightly lit holiday season!

Please share A Public Adjuster’s Guide to Holiday Light Safety with your friends, colleagues, and family members.

Protective Safeguard Endorsements

The Hidden Guardian of Your Insurance Policy: Protective Safeguard Endorsements

At Clarke & Cohen, we have seen firsthand the value of thorough policy examination and understanding the intricacies that often escape the average policyholder’s attention. The Protective Safeguard endorsement is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of many insurance policies. This seemingly innocuous addition to your insurance contract can play a vital role in ensuring that the safeguards you’ve put in place, such as sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, and fire alarms, remain operational. Failure to maintain these safeguards could jeopardize your claim in the event of a covered loss, making this endorsement an essential element of your insurance protection.

Let’s dive into what a Protective Safeguard endorsement is and why it’s essential to keep these safeguards in good working order:

Understanding Protective Safeguard Endorsements:

A Protective Safeguard endorsement is a condition in your insurance policy that specifies specific safety measures you must maintain to ensure the integrity of your property and minimize the risk of loss. These safety measures typically include fire prevention systems like sprinklers, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and even security systems. The endorsement serves as a reminder that your insurer expects you to take reasonable steps to protect your property from risks that these safeguards are in place to protect.

The Role of Protective Safeguards:

Protective safeguards are the unsung heroes of property protection. They act as your first line of defense against potential disasters like fires, which can result in extensive damage and loss. A properly maintained sprinkler system can swiftly suppress a fire, minimizing its impact and potentially saving lives. Smoke detectors and fire alarms alert you and emergency services to smoke or flames, allowing for rapid response and reduced damage. These safeguards protect your property and contribute to the safety of occupants and nearby structures.

The Maintenance Dilemma:

One of the critical aspects of Protective Safeguard endorsements is the requirement for regular maintenance. Insurance carriers understand that, over time, even the most reliable systems can experience wear and tear, leading to potential malfunctions. This understanding is why insurers emphasize the need for routine inspections and servicing.

For example, a poorly maintained sprinkler system might have clogged nozzles or malfunctioning valves, rendering it ineffective at a crucial moment. Similarly, smoke detectors with dead batteries or fire alarms with faulty wiring could fail when you need them the most.

The Implications of Neglect:

If a loss occurs, and your insurer determines that you failed to maintain the required safeguards, the implications can be significant. They may argue that your negligence contributed to the extent of the loss, certainly this might provide them with a legal basis to reduce the amount they pay out on your claim or, in extreme cases, deny your claim altogether. Keeping your protective measures up to date is not just a matter of good practice but a condition of your insurance coverage.

Proactive Measures:

So, how can you ensure that your Protective Safeguard endorsement doesn’t become a liability? Here are a few proactive steps you can take:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine inspections and servicing for all protective systems. Document these activities, including dates, details of work done, and the service provider’s name.
  2. Battery Replacement: Replace batteries in smoke detectors and other battery-operated safety devices at least once a year. Specifically a good rule of thumb is to do this during daylight saving time changes.
  3. Testing: Test your safeguards periodically to ensure they are functioning correctly. That includes running tests on fire alarms, checking sprinkler heads, and verifying the operation of security systems.
  4. Records: Keep detailed records of all maintenance and testing activities related to protective safeguards. These records can be invaluable if you comply with the endorsement’s requirements.
  5. Professional Help: Consult with experts, such as fire safety professionals or security system specialists.  This will ensure your safeguards are operational and up to current safety standards.

Protective Safeguard endorsements are a crucial aspect of your insurance policy that highlights the importance of maintaining essential safety measures. These safeguards protect your property and its occupants and play a pivotal role in the event of a covered loss. By understanding the requirements of this endorsement and taking proactive measures to keep your protective systems in good working order, you can ensure that your insurance coverage remains robust and effective when you need it the most. Remember, prevention is not only better than the cure, but it’s also a central part of maintaining a healthy insurance policy.

Contact us at (610) 668-0144 to discuss any questions you may have about protective safeguard endorsements.

Navigating Business Interruption Insurance

Navigating Business Interruption Insurance

Ensuring Stability for Your Business with Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters

Picture this: your business is thriving, operations are running smoothly, and suddenly, disaster strikes. A severe property damage incident occurs, leaving your business paralyzed.

How can you continue paying your employees and covering expenses during this challenging time? That’s where business interruption insurance steps in, and Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters is here to guide you through this process.

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is a vital component of any comprehensive risk management plan. It is designed to protect businesses from the financial fallout that occurs when they are forced to halt their operations due to property damage caused by a covered peril, such as fire, water damage, or certain natural disasters. This type of insurance coverage helps ensure that your business can continue to pay its key employees, meet other payroll obligations, and cover ongoing necessary expenses during the restoration and recovery period. It may also cover emergency and ongoing extra expenses that occur such as temporary work locations and marketing and advertising to help your customers find you.

Securing Stability for Your Employees

Your employees are the lifeblood of your business, and ensuring their financial stability during a crisis is paramount. Business interruption insurance allows you to continue paying your employees, ensuring that they can meet their personal obligations while you work towards getting your business back on track. The policy provides coverage for employee wages and benefits based on their pre-interruption earnings, helping to ease the burden on both your staff and your company.

At Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters, we understand the importance of maintaining a supportive and motivated workforce during a difficult period. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to assess the impact of the property damage incident on your business and ensure that your employees’ financial well-being is prioritized.

Continuing to Cover Business Expenses

When disaster strikes, the bills don’t stop. From rent and utility payments to loan installments and supplier invoices, your business still has financial obligations to meet, even if operations are temporarily suspended. Business interruption insurance provides coverage for necessary expenses that your business would typically incur. This will ensure that you can keep up with your financial responsibilities during the restoration period.

Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters dedicated team is well-versed in navigating the intricacies of business interruption claims. We will meticulously assess your business’s expenses and work diligently to negotiate with insurance carriers to maximize your coverage. We will also work hard for you to secure the funds needed to sustain your business operations throughout the interruption period.

Proving Business Interruption Losses

When it comes to making a successful business interruption insurance claim, meticulous documentation and accurate financial records are crucial. Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters understands the complexities involved in proving business interruption losses. Our team will help you compile all the necessary documentation.  This includes financial statements, tax records, and other supporting evidence, to substantiate your claim and ensure that you receive fair compensation for the losses you have incurred.

Navigating the Claims Process with Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters

The claims process can be overwhelming, especially during a time when your focus should be on restoring your business. That’s where Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters comes in. Our expert team specializes in handling business interruption insurance claims and will serve as your trusted advocate throughout the entire process.

We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your policy, ensuring that you understand the coverage and limitations in place. Our adjusters will assess the extent of the property damage, evaluate the financial impact on your business, and carefully calculate your losses. With our vast experience and in-depth knowledge of insurance policies, we will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, working tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

Business interruption insurance is an essential safeguard for every business owner. It ensures that your employees are taken care of and that your business can weather the storm during times of property damage and operational disruption. Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters is committed to supporting you through these challenging times, offering the expertise and dedication needed to navigate the complex world of business interruption insurance claims successfully.

Don’t face the aftermath of a severe property damage incident alone. Contact Clarke & Cohen Public Adjusters today, and let us be your trusted partner in securing the stability and financial well-being of your business. Together, we’ll overcome the challenges and emerge stronger than ever before.

Protecting Your Assets

Protecting Your Assets: Taking Inventory for Insurance Purposes 

In the face of severe property damage or catastrophic loss, ensuring that your assets are adequately protected becomes crucial. One of the most vital steps you can take as a homeowner or business property owner is to create a comprehensive inventory of your possessions. This inventory is a valuable tool for insurance claims, providing detailed documentation to support your case.

Why Take Inventory?

When disaster strikes, such as a fire, flood, or severe storm, it can be overwhelming to deal with the aftermath. Taking inventory in advance allows you to be prepared and makes the claims process more efficient. Here are a few key reasons why stock is essential:

Accurate Documentation:

An inventory provides an itemized list of your belongings, including their descriptions, values, and supporting evidence such as receipts, photographs, or videos. This documentation helps establish the existence and significance of your property, aiding in a fair and prompt settlement.

Enhanced Claims Process:

With a comprehensive inventory, you can substantiate your claim accurately. It eliminates guesswork and provides detailed evidence supporting your valuation, minimizing the chances of undervaluing or omitting items.

Streamlined Recovery:

A thorough inventory enables you to assess the full extent of the loss, facilitating a quicker and smoother recovery process. It allows you to prioritize replacements, repairs, and rebuilding efforts promptly.

Located in Bala Cynwyd, PA, Clarke & Cohen is a trusted name in public adjusting and loss consulting. They specialize in representing policyholders, ensuring that their clients receive fair and equitable settlements from insurance companies. Their team of experienced professionals possesses extensive knowledge of the insurance industry, policy language, and claims processes. With their expertise, they can guide you through the complex maze of insurance claims and help maximize your recovery.

Apps for Taking Inventory:

Taking inventory no longer requires manual note-taking and paperwork. Numerous smartphone apps simplify the process, making it more efficient and organized. Here are a few highly recommended apps:

Encircle: Encircle is a user-friendly app that allows you to create a comprehensive inventory by simply taking photos or videos of your belongings. You can add descriptions, values, and other essential details, making documenting and categorizing your assets easy.

Sortly: Sortly is an intuitive app that helps you create a detailed inventory. It provides customizable categories, allows you to attach photos, receipts, and warranties, and even generates QR codes for efficient tracking.

Nest Egg: Nest Egg offers a straightforward approach to inventory management. You can create an inventory by scanning barcodes, taking photos, and adding relevant information. The app also provides features for organizing items by room or collection.

Preparing for the unexpected is integral to responsible homeownership and property management. By taking inventory of your possessions, you can safeguard your assets and ensure a smoother claims process in case of severe damage or catastrophic loss. Clarke & Cohen, Public Adjusters and Loss Consultants in Bala Cynwyd, PA, can provide valuable assistance, advocating for your best interests during the claims process.

Use modern tools such as smartphone apps like Encircle, Sortly, or Nest Egg to simplify and streamline your inventory process. These apps can significantly reduce the time and effort required, making maintaining an accurate and up-to-date record of your possessions easier.

In times of distress, having a trusted partner like Clarke & Cohen can make a significant difference. They will work tirelessly to protect your rights, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure you receive a fair settlement for your losses.

External Links:

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Shore and Mountain house preparation for Winter

It’s time to leave your vacation home!

What should you do for shore and mountain house preparation for the winter?

Your shore or mountain home has been a flurry of activity all summer, but now it’s time to close for the season and get it ready for the elements ahead. With the onset of hurricane season wind and rain, followed by the brutal winter freeze, there are many steps to take to protect your summer home from the elements.

Here is what you need to do to prepare your shore or mountain home for the winter:

  • Check your home’s heating and air conditioning systems. HVAC maintenance involves changing filters and having your HVAC contractor check that all systems are a go.
  • Protect your pipes. See if there are any exposed pipes in need of insulation. Turn off your water supply to avoid any burst pipes or flooding from leaks. Open cabinet doors during frigid periods to allow warm air to circulate the lines. Disconnect garden hoses and drain those, too.
  • Clean your Chimney. Remove nests and check your flue damper to ensure it opens and closes properly. If you last cleaned your fireplace a while ago, schedule a chimney sweep to come and clean it for you.
  • Clean your gutters from debris and leaves. Clogged drains can contribute to ice damming and cause basement flooding when the snow melts. Clear out your gutters to avoid any unforeseen problems.
  • Have a Roofing contractor safely inspect your roof for any missing shingles or leaks.
  • Check the Weather Stripping on all doors and windows and replace the sealing, caulk, or stripping where you see dried, cracked, or peeling.
  • Protect your Outdoor Living Space by bringing in or covering your furniture, drain any water features or fountains, and clean up and cover the barbecue grill.

For Shore and Mountain house preparation for Winter:
Once your systems are cleaned up and winterized, you can rest easy at home, knowing your investment property at the shore or mountains is safe.

We are your severe damage experts and are here with advice to help you avoid future problems. Contact Clarke & Cohen at (610) 668-0144.

Condominium Insurance Claims

Condominium insurance can be complex, with different coverage responsibilities and regulations depending on the state in which you reside. In general, a condominium owner’s insurance policy will provide coverage for the interior of their unit, while the condo association’s insurance policy will cover the building’s exterior and common areas.

However, the specific details of insurance coverage can vary significantly from state to state. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your state, as well as your specific condominium association’s insurance policies, to understand what types of damages are covered and by whom.


In general, condominium owners are responsible for insuring the interior of their units, including their personal belongings and any upgrades they have made to the unit. This insurance coverage is typically referred to as HO-6 insurance, which is a type of homeowners insurance policy that is designed specifically for condo owners. HO-6 policies can vary widely in their coverage, but they typically cover damage caused by things like fire, theft, vandalism, and certain types of water damage.

The condominium association, on the other hand, is responsible for insuring the building’s exterior and common areas, such as the roof, walls, hallways, and elevators. This insurance coverage is typically referred to as a master policy.  A Master Policy it’s designed to protect the building and the association from liability in the event of property damage or bodily injury.

Types of Policies

There are two types of master policies that a condominium association may carry: a bare walls-in policy or an all-in policy. A bare walls-in policy only covers the structure of the building, leaving unit owners responsible for any damage to their unit’s interior. An all-in policy, on the other hand, covers everything in the building, including the fixtures and appliances in each unit.

Even with an all-in policy, the association’s insurance may not cover certain types of damage, such as damage caused by floods or earthquakes. Unit owners should understand what their association’s master policy covers and what they are responsible for covering themselves.

In some states, the laws and regulations regarding condominium insurance can be particularly complex. For example, in Florida, condominium associations are required to carry insurance that covers the full replacement value of the building, including any upgrades or improvements made by individual unit owners. This requirement can make insurance claims more complex, as unit owners may need to provide evidence of their upgrades or improvements to the insurance company in order to receive compensation.

Using a Public Adjuster

A public adjuster can be a valuable resource for condominium owners who need assistance navigating the complex process of filing an insurance claim. Public adjusters are licensed professionals who work on behalf of policyholders to help them maximize their insurance claims. They can help with everything from filing the initial claim to negotiating with the insurance company.  This helps to ensure that the policyholder receives fair compensation.

Public adjusters can be particularly helpful for condominium owners, as they can navigate the complex rules and regulations surrounding condominium insurance claims. They can also help unit owners determine what is covered by their own insurance policy and what is covered by the association’s policy. Public adjusters work with both the unit owner and the association to ensure that all parties are fairly compensated.

When working with a public adjuster, it’s important to choose a licensed and experienced professional who has a deep understanding of the insurance regulations surrounding condominium insurance claims in your state. Look for a public adjuster who has experience working with condominium owners and who has a proven track record of success in maximizing insurance claims.

In conclusion, navigating condominium insurance claims can be complex.  There are different coverage responsibilities and regulations depending on the state in which you reside. Condominium owners are responsible for insuring the interior of their units. The association is responsible for insuring the building’s exterior and common areas. It’s important for unit owners to understand what’s covered in their policies.

Contact Clarke & Cohen, Greater Philadelphia Public Adjusters, for your Condominium Insurance Claim at  (610) 668-0144

Co-Insurance in a Commercial Property Claim

Co-insurance is a common concept in commercial property insurance policies. It’s an important aspect of insurance policies that can have a significant impact on the amount of a claim that a policyholder is able to recover. In this blog, we’ll discuss what co-insurance is and how it applies to commercial property claims.

What is Co-insurance?

Co-insurance is a term that refers to the percentage of an insured property’s value that the policyholder must insure in order to be fully covered in the event of a loss. It’s essentially a requirement that policyholders insure their property for a certain percentage of its value, typically 80% or 90%. If the policyholder fails to meet this requirement and the property suffers a loss, the insurer may reduce the amount of the claim payout by the same percentage that the policyholder was underinsured.

How Co-insurance Works in a Commercial Property Claim

Co-insurance applies to commercial property insurance policies in the same way that it applies to other types of insurance policies. In a commercial property insurance policy, the policyholder is required to insure their property for a certain percentage of its value, typically 80% or 90%. If the policyholder fails to meet this requirement, they are said to be underinsured.

When a loss occurs, the insurance company will calculate the amount of the loss and compare it to the insured value of the property. If the policyholder has met the co-insurance requirement and insured the property for the required percentage of its value, the insurance company will pay the full amount of the claim, up to the policy limits.

What if you’re Underinsured?

However, if the policyholder is underinsured, the insurance company will apply the co-insurance formula to the claim payout. The co-insurance formula is used to determine the amount of the claim payout. This is based on the percentage of the property’s value that was insured. In its simplest form, the co-insurance formula is the amount of insurance carried on the property divided by the amount of insurance required, multiplied by the amount of the loss. For example, if the policyholder insured the property for only 70% of its value, the insurance company would reduce the claim payout by the same percentage, paying out only 70% of the claim.

Let’s say a commercial building has a value of $1 million and the policyholder insured the property for only $600,000. Assume the insured is required to insure the property for 80% of the replacement value and the building suffers a loss that results in $500,000 in damages. Then the insurance company will use the co-insurance formula to determine the amount of the claim payout. In this case, the claim payout would be reduced by the same percentage that the property was underinsured, which is 25%. Therefore, the policyholder would only receive a claim payout of $375,000, or 75% of the total amount of the loss.

Why Co-insurance is Important in Commercial Property Claims

Co-insurance is an important aspect of commercial property insurance policies because it helps ensure that policyholders are properly insuring their property. The co-insurance requirement is intended to prevent policyholders from underinsuring their property in order to save on insurance premiums.

Co-insurance can also have a significant impact on the amount of a claim payout in the event of a loss. If a policyholder is underinsured and suffers a loss, they may not receive the full amount of the claim payout that they expected. This can result in significant financial losses for the policyholder. And that’s why it’s important to properly insure commercial property and meet the co-insurance requirement.

In conclusion, co-insurance is an important aspect of commercial property insurance policies. It requires policyholders to insure their property for a certain percentage of its value, typically 80% or 90%. If a policyholder is underinsured and suffers a loss, the insurance company may reduce the amount of the claim payout by the same percentage that the policyholder was underinsured.

Contact Clarke & Cohen, Bala Cynwyd, PA Public Adjusters, in case of a commercial property insurance claim.


Philadelphia Area Commercial Property Owners Need This

As a commercial building owner, you have a lot on your plate. Not only do you have to manage the day-to-day operations of your business, but you also have to make sure that your property is well-maintained and protected. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of your building, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong.
Whether it’s a natural disaster, a fire, or some other type of property damage, the costs associated with repairs and rebuilding can be staggering.
That’s why Philadelphia Area Commercial Property Owners Need This.

It’s important to have a professional licensed public adjuster like  Clarke & Cohen, that you can rely on in case of property damage. A public adjuster is a professional who specializes in helping property owners navigate the often-complicated process of filing an insurance claim. They understand the ins and outs of the insurance industry and can help you make sure that you get the maximum amount of compensation for your loss.

When you work with Clarke & Cohen, they will take the time to thoroughly assess the damage to your property and provide you with an accurate estimate of the costs associated with repairs and rebuilding. They will also help you gather all of the necessary documentation and evidence to support your claim. This can include photographs, videos, and detailed reports of the damage.

In addition to helping you file your claim, Clark & Cohen will also act as your advocate during negotiations with your insurance company. They will work to make sure that your claim is processed quickly and that you receive the full compensation that you’re entitled to. This can be especially important if your insurance company disputes the extent of the damage or the amount of your claim.

Another important benefit of working with a professional licensed public adjuster like Clarke & Cohen is that they can help you avoid common mistakes that many property owners make when filing an insurance claim. For example, they can help you make sure that you don’t inadvertently undervalue your claim or overlook important coverage that you may be entitled to.
They can also help you avoid common pitfalls that can delay the processing of your claim or result in a lower payout.

Finally, working with a Clarke & Cohen can help you avoid the stress and frustration that often comes with filing an insurance claim.
Dealing with property damage can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to juggle the demands of running your business at the same time.
A public adjuster can take the burden of dealing with your insurance company off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

In conclusion, every commercial building owner needs to have a public adjuster they rely on in case of property damage. They can help you navigate the process of filing an insurance claim, ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation, and act as an advocate on your behalf during negotiations with the insurance company.
Public adjusters can also help you avoid common mistakes and reduce the stress and frustration of dealing with property damage.
Having a public adjuster on your side can give you peace of mind knowing that you have a professional handling the insurance claim process for you.  That’s why Philadelphia Area Commercial Property Owners Need This (a public adjuster) in case of unexpected property damage.

At Clarke & Cohen, we are professional licensed commercial public adjusters and charter members of NAPIA, we specialize in significant and severe damage to area businesses and institutions with our commercial claim services. Whether a fire, natural disaster, or structural damage has hit your business, commercial property, or institution, call Clarke & Cohen to get the money you deserve today.

Property damage can be devastating to your company. Your next move should be to contact Clarke & Cohen so we can help you get back in business.